Recommended reading

Jamie Dimon Letters:


The Intelligent Investor This is considered the quintessential book on value investing.Benjamin Graham
The Interpretation of Financial Statements This is a short read about what to look for while reading financial statements.Benjamin Graham
Security AnalysisThis is a more academic version of “The Intelligent Investor”.Benjamin Graham, Davib L. Dobb, Sydney Cottle
The Little Book Of ValuationThis is a very good guide with various methods of how to value various different companies.Aswath Damaduran
Margin of Safety Seth Clarmin is one of the few investors that Warren Buffet would trust with his money. Seth Clarmin
Random Walk down Wall streetBurton G . Malkiel
The SnowballA biography of Warren Buffets life and investments.Alice Schroeder
One up on Wall StreetPeter Lynch
How to Be a stock Market Genius A detailed book about various special situation investing.Joel Greenblatt
Poor Charlie’s AlmanacA Book with Charlie Mungers Wisdom.Charlie Munger

Don’t use this link to find these books:

Recommended watching:

William (Bill) Akman gives you a basic understanding of finance:

This is a video playlist from Aswath Damadurans master class on corporate valuation… its a miracle this is free:

Recommended Listening: